Customs law, international trade law, and related matters since 1926.

    Membership is open to all attorneys admitted to practice in any country and law students.

    Membership is open to all attorneys admitted to practice in any country and law students.

    Customs law, international trade law, and related matters since 1926.
    Membership is open to all attorneys admitted to practice in any country and law students.

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  • 2024-2025 Andrew P. Vance Memorial Writing Competition Call for Papers

    • Wednesday, January 29, 2025
    • | Posted by CITBA Staff

    The Customs and International Trade Bar Association (CITBA) and Georgetown Law School are pleased to announce 2024-2025 Andrew P. Vance Memorial writing Competition. The competition is welcoming papers with an in-depth analysis of a current issue relevant to customs and international trade law. Entrants must be currently enrolled in a J.D. or L.L.M. program at any of the nation's law schools. Papers must be submitted here to Georgetown Law by June 2, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. ET. For a list of past winners and to see sample papers, please click here for the CITBA website   Submissions should be typewritten, double-spaced on 8 ½ x 11-inch paper. The paper shall not exceed 40 pages in length, including footnotes. Papers must include footnotes, not endnotes. Papers should be in 12pt. Times New Roman font and have one-inch margins (right, left, top, and bottom).  Noncompliance with these requirements may affect evaluation or result in disqualification.  Please include the following on the cover sheet of your paper: Full name, address and telephone number Law school and year Date of submission of paper Do not include any identifying information in the text of the paper itself. A committee of practicing attorneys and professors with relevant expertise will judge the papers. The following factors will be considered: Legal analysis Thoroughness and depth of topic Evaluation of judicial precedents, statutes, and regulations Writing style Form and quality of citations Conformity with rules of competition Two prizes will be awarded by CITBA: $1000.00 first prize $500.00 second prize

  • CITBA Summer Fellowship Awards Announced

    • Friday, May 31, 2024
    • | Posted by CITBA Staff

    The Customs and International Trade Bar Association (CITBA) is honored to announce the 2024 recipients of its Summer Fellowship Awards. The Summer Fellowship Awards program is cosponsored by the CITBA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee and the International Economic Law Interest Group of the American Society of International Law. The fellowships provide financial support for law students, including those from underrepresented groups, to enable them to acquire summer work experience practicing international trade and economic law with a government agency, court, public interest organization, or international organization. The 2024 winners are Emily Ming of the University of Michigan Law School, Alexandra Sayegh of Georgetown Law, and Kelly Zhang of the George Washington University Law School. Zang will intern with Court of International Trade (CIT) Chief Judge Barnett, Ming will intern with CIT Judge Reif, and Sayegh will intern with the Department of Justice International Trade Field Office.                           Emily Ming                           Alexandra Sayegh                         Kelly Zhang

  • Congratulations to Judge Jane A. Restani

    • Thursday, October 26, 2023
    • | Posted by CITBA Staff

    On behalf of the Customs & International Trade Bar Association membership and Board of Directors, we the undersigned current and former Presidents wish to convey our sincerest congratulations to Judge Jane A. Restani for her hard work and continuing commitment to the United States Court of International Trade, on this, the 40th anniversary of her service.   All members of the Bar of the Court of International Trade benefit from Judge Restani's legacy.  She is no stranger to judicial leadership, having previously served as Chief Judge from 2003-2010.  Judge Restani also served her country with distinction for many years with the Civil Division of the Department of Justice.   Many members of the Bar have had the privilege of arguing before the Judge.  The Bar appreciates her intelligence and wisdom on these matters. A further select few have had the additional benefit of clerking for her. The Bar has benefitted from the contribution her former clerks have made to it, and this too is a credit to Judge Restani's leadership and commitment to mentorship.   For government to function at its best, those who adjudicate the laws and regulations promulgated by the Legislative and Executive Branches must reflect the people for whom our government is intended to serve. That the Honorable Jane A. Restani has served on the bench for 40 years with such distinction is a credit to her and to those that supported her and believed in her. Her service is an inspiration to all who practice law and, in particular, to women lawyers and law students throughout the country.   The Bar reiterates its congratulations, wishes the Judge the very best, and extends our unwavering support.    Emily Beline, President   Former Presidents: Michele D. Lynch Matthew R. Nicely Kathleen W. Cannon Lawrence M. Friedman James R. Cannon, Jr. Michael S. O'Rourke Patrick C. Reed Sandra Liss Friedman Melvin S. Schwechter Sidney N. Weiss Terence P. Stewart Patrick D. Gill Brian S. Goldstein Joseph F. Donohue, Jr.

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