Start Date: 1/27/2022 2:00 PM EST
End Date: 1/27/2022 3:30 PM EST
United States
Watch a discussion concerning key aspects of the US Department of Commerce’s amended regulations to improve the administration and enforcement of AD/CVD laws – the most significant changes to the AD/CVD regulations since modifications in 1997-98 to implement the Uruguay Round Agreements Act.
This event is free and open to CITBA members and non-CITBA members.
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Jay Campbell
Partner, White & Case LLP
Jessica Link
Attorney, Office of Chief Counsel, Enforcement & Compliance, USDOC
Abdelali Elouaradia
Director, AD/CVD Enforcement Office IV, Enforcement & Compliance, USDOC
Elizabeth Drake
Partner, Schagrin Associates
Nithya Nagarajan
Partner, Husch Blackwell